The Cruel Gods

The Thirteenth Hour Cover Reveal Tour Wrap Up

Yesterday was a big day for me! I formally unveiled my new gaslamp fantasy book to the world and finally got to show off the cover that I’ve been obsessed with for weeks. But I didn’t do this alone! Thanks to the amazing folk over at Storytellers on Tour, I had a lot of help to reveal the gorgeous cover to The Thirteenth Hour.

This book is my first foray into the unknown lands of self-publishing, but even a self-published author needs help, whether that’s hiring an editor or an amazing cover artist. It’s a lot harder for indie authors to market their books in an industry dominated by traditional publishing, thus I truly value the support of readers and book bloggers who read and promote indies, and is one reason why I began my own blog dedicated to indie books and video games – it’s a way for me to shout about indies too!

So this blog is a collection of all the bloggers, bookstagrammers, and fellow authors who took part in my cover reveal, and a big THANK YOU! I regularly read these blogs and feel truly honoured that they chose to help me introduce The Thirteenth Hour.

And a big thank you to Justine and Timy over at Storytellers on Tour for arranging this magic. Their tours help promote indie authors in a way that may not otherwise be accessible.

So, onto the posts!

The Blogs

From David W at FanFiAddict

FanFiAddict is one of my favourite fantasy blogs, and they’re huge too! Not only do they post thoughtful articles, but they’re also judges for the Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off competition AND they host the annual TBRCon. Give their blog a visit!

From the Fantasy Book Nerd

The Fantasy Book Nerd recently helped me reveal my domain map to the world along with Rowena, and he invented the word “mapistry” while doing so! Check out his blog for more fantasy features and reviews, and this Instagram post!

From Kriti Khare at Armed With a Book

Kirti was the first blogger to interview me on her blog about YA fantasy, and I recently went back to recommend indie books! Kriti’s blog is gorgeous, and she runs the amazing Creator’s Roulette. Her new feature, Indie Recommends Indie, is all about indie authors supporting each other. Thank you also for the Instagram post!

From Lorraine Bondi at The Book & Nature Professor

I love Lorraine’s blog, which features fantasy book reviews, blog tours, and nature photography, as you may have guessed! Visit her Indie Author Corner for more indie content and interviews. Check out the colourful graphic on this Instagram post!

From Peter the Swordsmith

A fantasy literature blog, worlds to explore and worlds to discover. Peter covers reveals and blog tours for all kinds of fantasy!

From Rowena at Beneath a Thousand Skies

Don’t tell her I said so, but Rowena is one of the coolest people on the internet. Her blog is popping with features, including new spotlights and map reveals! Rowena is also self-publishing her first book, The Ravyn’s Words, this November, and the cover looks amazing!

From Sue Bavey at Sue’s Musings

A big supporter of indie authors! Check out Sue’s Indie Spotlight and Illustration Showcase for more fantastic indie content.

On Twitter

A shout out to the following people who shared my cover on Twitter:

Alex at Spells & Spaceships

Alex has one of the coolest blogs covering fantasy and sci-fi! He’s also a massive supporter of indie authors and other bloggers. Check out the epic Norsevember event coming soon, which celebrates books with a Norse theme!

Dan Fitzgerald

An indie author of fantasy trilogy, The Maer Cycle. Dan is one of the most welcoming authors of the writing community on Twitter, so say hello and throw him some love! Thank you for also sharing on Instagram!

Liz Scanlon

A fantastic blogger who covers fantasy and indies! Take a look at Liz’s blog.

Lucy McLaren

A wonderful author who writes fantastic articles exploring mental health in fantasy. Her debut novel, A Child’s Awakening, is coming May 2022.

On Instagram

And of course a THANK YOU to the bookstagrammers who shared The Thirteenth Hour on Instagram! I’m sadly no longer over there, so thanks to Storytellers on Tour for sharing these with me. I love admiring the creative and colourful aesthetics that bloggers make on Instagram, even if I can’t do them myself!

Justine from Whispers and Wonder = Fantastic aesthetics of books!

The Book Webb = Gorgeous aesthetics! LOOK AT THE CLOCK! AND THE POCKET WATCH!

AJBookReads = Beautifully constructed photos of books!

Liis Moth of the Book = A great selection of books, flowers, and tea!

That’s all for now, but let me know if I missed you! A big THANK YOU again to the bloggers and authors for helping me to reveal The Thirteenth Hour. Let’s do this again sometime!

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