News, The Cruel Gods

The Thirteenth Hour Audiobook is in Development!

If you’re an audiobook listener, then I have fantastic news for you!

I’m very excited to announce a partnership with the lovely RJ Bayley, the delightful voice behind the amazing audiobook for We Men of Ash and Shadow by HL Tinsley, another great gaslamp fantasy. Described as a ‘well-weighted baritone, balanced & deep at the same time,’ RJ can capture a full range of British accents and will be lending his voice to The Thirteenth Hour. I truly can’t wait to hear RJ bring Kayl, Quen, and the rest of Chime to life.

To get an idea for RJ Bayley’s talents, do check out his demos and his rendition of The War of the Worlds via popular audio streaming services such as iTunes and Spotify.

I should also give a shout out to Benjamin of Literature & Lofi for connecting us! Subscribe to his YouTube for great commentary and reviews on all things fantasy.

I think we’re both going to have a lot of fun with the audiobook for The Thirteenth Hour. What a fantastic way to end the year!

We’re aiming for a release around spring 2022, which should be in time for the sequel, The Children of Chaos. I’m looking forward to sharing more when the time comes, so keep an ear out!

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