News, The Cruel Gods

The Children of Chaos Out Now!

Today is a special day for The Cruel Gods series! Not only is it the one-year anniversary for The Thirteenth Hour, but the sequel, The Children of Chaos, is also out TODAY on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited! Paperback versions will also be coming soon, so keep an eye out.

 The sequel continues a month after the events of The Thirteenth Hour with all your old favourite characters, and some new ones! Get ready to visit the domains of the gods as Kayl and Quen once again form a partnership to save Chime. This book is much ruder and cruder than the first, which is mostly Jinx’s fault as she has her own POV this time round, and she swears… A LOT!

To celebrate the launch of The Children of Chaos, The Thirteenth Hour is also on sale worldwide for only £0.99/$0.99! So if you don’t own it yet, then now’s your chance.

The Children of Chaos is a fast-paced heart-breaking and action-packed sequel that has everything you loved from the first book but MORE! But don’t just take my word for it. Here is what the amazing Rowena of the Beneath a Thousand Skies book blog has to say:

Truly there is no crueller god than an author.

A stellar continuation to what is a stand-out series, and I cannot wait for the next book even though I can’t help but fear what else Skies will do to my poor reader’s heart. The Children of Chaos felt like a political thriller, mystery, action adventure and fantasy all rolled into one, without ever losing any of the aspects that have made this series so gripping and refreshing. I loved every moment spent with this book (even the ones that had me shouting at what was happening to the characters), and honestly there aren’t words for how strongly I recommend Children of Chaos and the whole series.

Welcome back to Chime! Things are about to get a little… chaotic.

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