On Writing, The Cruel Gods

Thank You and an Update!

Hello everyone! I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to those that has supported my first self-published fantasy novel, The Thirteenth Hour. This is a brand new start for me as an author and I’m excited to begin this journey with a world and characters that I absolutely love and hope you love too. I’ve been blown away by the amazing reviews that book bloggers and readers have been giving this book, so again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Reviews really do make a difference for indie authors and I absolutely read and appreciate every one.

They say that the average self-published novel only sells twenty copies in its lifetime, which is a rather dismal number, but I’m pleased to say I’ve sold MORE than twenty copies! Though sadly, I have a long way to go before I can retire haha.

Which brings me to an update! We’re now entering National Novel Writing Month and I’ll be using this time to work on the sequel to The Thirteenth Hour. I’ve also been dabbling with a prequel novella that I’m halfway through. On top of all this writing, I am also a panelist for the Book Blogger Novel of the Year awards this year, and I need to read through and judge a bunch of books throughout November for my indie blog, The Uncharted Library.

What all of this means is that I’m going to have a VERY busy month in November. Posts to this blog may be few and far between as I focus on reading and writing as much as I can. If you don’t see any updates on this blog for a while, then don’t worry, I’m not dead, I’m working hard at bringing you more books! (I may also be dead)

You’ll still finding me posting absolute nonsense on Twitter, and my monthly newsletter will go out as scheduled.

But if anything exciting happens next month, I’ll be sure to let you know!

Have a great Halloween and November, and I’ll see you soon!

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