
Short Story Published in UK Carer’s Anthology

A short story I wrote about my dad, titled This grumpy old man of mine, has been included as part of Carers UK’s 5th creative writing anthology of short stories and poems. My entry is featured under the ‘commended’ section and was written about my dad when he was in hospital, shortly before he passed away in 2017. I quit my day job to become the main carer for my dad after his diagnosis of dementia.

I have great respect for carers who help family members that struggle in their daily lives. Being a carer is a full-time job which receives little benefits or support, but we do it because we care. Carers UK is a UK based charity which seeks to help and support carers, and this anthology focuses on the theme of keeping connected.

You can buy a copy of this anthology for only £5 to support this wonderful charity! Please visit their website for more.

 Photo by Alexandru G. STAVRICĂ on Unsplash

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