The First Line

The first line of your book is the most important. Or is it? I’ve come across the piece of advice many times in writing classes…

Writing, Fear, and Perfectionism

Writing is scary. When I first started writing I spent a lot of time world building, outlining, or making pretty character aesthetics – anything but…

Books vs Video Games

This is going to sound like I’m starting an argument; which are better, books or video games? Instead, I want to explore the similarities and…

The Rules of Writing

There’s a lot of writing advice out there. Literally everyone has rules and opinions on how to start writing, how to keep writing, how to…

Writing Tools

Here are some writing tools and resources I’ve personally found useful and wish to share, along with documents that I created for my own use…

Writing Communities

One of the best things about being a writer is how much support there is out there on the internet. Whether you’re new to writing,…

Don’t Write Every Day

You don’t need to write every day. But isn’t that what everyone says? Professional writers and authors write every day, right? Look at any article…

My Editing Process

I’ve written quite a few drafts of my book. It has suffered numerous changes; the first draft didn’t have magic or mysterious shadow creatures, the…