It has been two years today since I unleashed The Thirteenth Hour onto the world, and a year since the release of its follow-up, The Children of Chaos. I really wanted to continue this trend with the third and final book, but the gods had other plans! If you’ve journeyed with me through the domains this far, then you’ll know we’ve got a lot of ground to cover as I wrap up this trilogy. I wanted to take my time with it, ironically, in order to ensure this book is the best it can be, and to do justice to Kayl, Quen, and Jinx’s own journey.
It’s also sad for me to bring their journey to an end. Writing this series has been such a blessing for me and I’ve truly fallen in love with these characters and the world. I fully intend to return to Chime in future projects.
So, deep breath, here we go… I’m excited to announce the third and final book in The Cruel Gods trilogy! The End of Time!
Taking place a week after the events of The Children of Chaos, the gods are now at war with Chaos and each other. While Jinx is bent on destroying the domains, Kayl is set on a mission to find allies and save them in her own way. Meanwhile, Quen finds himself in quite a predicament and must come to terms with a few changes going on in his life! I’ve been dubbing this book the ‘war’ book as there’s more fighting going on. I’d say it’s also darker than the other two books in places, so prepare yourself for some trauma. Gotta make these characters earn their happy ending! Here’s the official blurb:
Calamity has befallen the steam-powered city of Chime as the gods declare war on each other, choosing Chime’s streets as their battleground. Kayl has the means to end their reign for good and create a new world free from their whims. But recruiting an army against divine beings is no easy task, and as her allies fall one by one, Kayl is left to shoulder her burden alone.
Finally free from his own god’s shackles, Quen is bound in service to Chaos, who only wants revenge against Quen’s former master. Torn between his desire for vengeance and justice, Quen is no stranger to the gods’ cruelty and will do whatever it takes to see Kayl’s vision through—even if it destroys his soul.
To ensure a better future, Kayl and Quen must unite mortals against their makers and decide the gods’ fate before time itself comes to an end.
For the era of gods is over.
Sound intriguing? Here’s some of the things you can look forward to in The End of Time:
- Only a FEW new characters, as we’ve got plenty who need their happy ending!
- The return of the Godless, but not as you know them!
- Kayl makes friends with the Fauna!
- A visit to Juniper!
- A return to some of the domains you love or love to hate!
- Boss battles against the gods!
- Is Unghard actually the kindest of the gods? Let’s find out!
- Who is the cruelest of the gods? Is it Dor? He sure sucks!
- There’re SEX SCENES, oh my!
- Someone loses an arm!
- Quen gets a makeover, he’s buff now.
- Jinx gets laid! Does it make her less crazy? NO!
- Mesmer shenanigans!
- Lots more swearing, of course.
- Declarations of LOVE and also murder.
- And much more!
As this book is the war book, we needed a fitting cover. Are you ready?

This cover was once again designed by the amazing James T. Egan of Bookfly Design.
So here’s the bad news – I’m still writing this book! It’s not quite finished yet, but the cover art was too good to sit on. I am, however, working diligently to get this book finished and to give you all the ending that you and these characters deserve. I’m aiming for a February or March 2024 release, but I’ll keep you updated as I make progress. You can, however, preorder your copy on Amazon and add The End of Time to your Goodreads!

But don’t they look beautiful together?
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